From back-burner mom to self-confident and strong: Jacki’s story


Like most moms I talk to - Jacki had put herself on the back burner for too long.  She had lost her self-confidence and was ready to feel good again.  

Jacki had tried over and over again to get on track with her diet.  She had tried Weight Watchers, Keto, and Intermittent Fasting.  But nothing seemed to stick.  She was tired of trying, but having little to show for it.

Overall, Jacki wanted to lose 25-30 lbs.  But, she wanted to do it the right way - with a sustainable diet and building a lean toned look in the process.  

She also wanted to set a good example for her kids.  She knew physical health and mental health were linked and she wanted to provide her kids with the best opportunities to be healthy now and into the future.

Jacki was ready to make changes - beginning with her home environment.  

There was a lot of junk food in the house that wasn’t healthy for anyone.  It turns out the kids didn’t care about having it around either and Jacki was able to get rid of it and set the tone for success.

Over the course of ReShape U - Jacki introduced regular strength training into her exercise routine.  She loved to run, so we incorporated that into her exercise program as well

We also worked on meal planning so that no matter how busy life was - she was prepared with healthy options to reach her goals.  Even when life threw a curve ball or emotions ran high - Jacki had a plan in place to stay on track.

Over the course of 12-weeks Jacki lost 15 lbs.  

She loved how her clothes were fitting and how strong she felt.  She loved knowing what to eat and how to plan and how it reduced her stress around food.  

As a result of the small changes she made to her lifestyle during the program - Jacki’s been able to maintain her weight loss and even lost a few more pounds after completing ReShape U!


Losing weight with a toddler in tow: Sinéad’s story