Losing weight with a toddler in tow: Sinéad’s story


Meet my amazing client Sinéad, mom to a toddler and also a military spouse.

I often find that mom's have a tough time focusing on themselves when they have young children. However, despite the hurdles - Sinead lost 14 lbs in 12-weeks.

I had to get Sinéad's side of the story - from the challenges she faced when she started the journey to the surprising things she learned along the way.

With the healthy routines Sinéad developed - she's continued to lose weight since the end of ReShape U (and she's even parenting on her own while her husband is deployed!).

The amount of energy she has now and the time she's gotten back by developing these routines have been an absolute game changer for her and her family.

Congratulations Sinéad on your success!! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!


From back-burner mom to self-confident and strong: Jacki’s story


How Andrea lost 14lbs in just 12 weeks!